[資訊整理] 吳恩達談人工智慧的機會 – 逐字稿


Last Updated on 2023-10-31

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人工智慧領域大師吳恩達(Andrew Ng),在2023年7月26日於美國加州史丹佛大學,以「人工智慧的機會」為題,分享他對人工智慧應用的觀察。吳恩達認為,人工智慧是通用技術,但現在應用聚焦在網路產業,因此未來機會在於其他領域的長尾應用;然而,其他產業即使想運用AI,也沒有辦法花大錢雇用工程師,幸好出現低/無程式碼工具,讓長尾應用得以落地。最後,吳恩達表示他看好AI專家與領域專家的合作,強調與領域專家落實「具體想法」的重要性。

原始演講影片如下:Andrew Ng: Opportunities in AI – 2023 – YouTube


  • 背景
    • 生成式AI興起,ChatGPT引發熱潮
    • 在生成式AI以前,人工智慧領域以監督式學習為大宗
    • 人工智慧是通用技術,就像電力一樣,能夠解決不同問題,例如分類人們對餐廳的評價、辨識圖像中的動物類別、判斷郵件是不是垃圾信
  • 重點一
    • 生成式AI興起,讓開發者甚至一般人能在短時間應用AI,未來成長可期
    • 就產值來說,監督式學習仍然是未來3年的發展重點,無論是產值或成長都不容小覷
  • 重點二
    • 增加產值的方向就是尋找AI技術落地的領域,現在應用聚焦在網路產業,其他產業案例較少
    • 這些產業的客戶和專案規模遠遠低於Google、Facebook等企業,沒有雇用大量工程師的資源
    • 出現低/無程式碼工具之後,客製化變得便宜,長尾應用得以落地
  • 重點三
    • 拆解AI應用金字塔,只有應用發展好,技術才會好
    • 找能夠具體落地的想法、找領域專家合作
  • 收尾
    • AI不夠好,但我們努力解決問題
    • 機器仍比不上人類,即使再進步,我們仍能駕馭它

延伸閱讀:[資訊整理] 深度學習大師吳恩達 Andrew Ng


It’s good to see everyone. So what I want to do today is chat to you about some opportunities in AI. So I’ve been saying AI is the new electricity.  One of the difficult things to understand about AI is that it is a general purpose technology,  meaning that it’s not useful only for one thing, but it’s useful for lots of different  applications, kind of like electricity. If I was to ask you, what is electricity good for? You know, it’s not any one thing, it’s a lot of things. So what I’d like to do is start off sharing with you how I view the technology landscape,  and this will lead into the set of opportunities. So a lot of hype, a lot of excitement about AI. And I think a good way to think about AI is as a collection of tools.


So this includes a technique called supervised learning, which is very good at recognizing things or labeling things, and generative AI, which is a relatively new, exciting development.  If you’re familiar with AI, you may have heard of other tools, but I’m going to talk less about these additional tools, and I’ll focus today on what I think are currently the two most important tools, which are supervised learning and generative AI. So supervised learning is very good at labeling things or very good at computing input to  output or A to B mappings. Give me an input A, give me an output B. For example, given an email, we can use supervised learning to label it as spam or not spam.  The most lucrative application of this that I’ve ever worked on is probably online advertising, where given an ad, we can label if a user is likely to click on it and therefore show more relevant ads. 


For self-driving cars, given the sense of readings of a car, we can label it with where are the other cars. One project that my team at AIFM worked on was ship route optimization, where given a route that a ship is taking or considering taking, we can label that with how much fuel we think those will consume and use this to make ships more fuel efficient. Did a lot of work in automated visual inspection in factories, so you can take a picture of a smartphone that was just manufactured and label is there a scratch or any other defect  in it.  Or if you want to build a restaurant review reputation monitoring system, you can have  a little piece of software that looks at online restaurant reviews and labels that as positive  or negative sentiment. So one nice thing, one cool thing about supervised learning is that it’s not useful for one thing, it’s useful for all of these different applications and many more besides.



Let me just walk through concretely the workflow of one example of a supervised learning labeling  things kind of project. If you want to build a system to label restaurant reviews, you then collect a few data points, a collective data set, where say the pastrami sandwich is great, say that is positive, the  servos are slow, that’s negative, my favorite chicken curry is positive.  And here I’ve shown three data points, but you’re building this, you may get thousands of data points like this or thousands of training examples, we call it. And the workflow of a machine learning project, of an AI project is you get labeled data,  maybe thousands of data points, then you have an AI engineering team train an AI model to  learn from this data. And then finally, you would find maybe a cloud service to run the trained AI model. And they can feed it, you know, best quality I’ve ever had, and that’s positive sentiment.

讓我具體帶大家走過一次監督學習標記專案的例子。如果你想建立餐廳評論標記系統,你需要收集資料,例如「三明治很好吃」是正面評論,「伺服器很慢」則是負面,「我最喜歡的雞肉咖哩」又是正面。我展示了三筆資料,當你做這個機器學習專案,建立起分辨評論的系統時,你可能會得到像這樣的數千筆資料,或者說訓練範例(training sample)。你有一個AI工程團隊,從這些資料中學習,最後訓練出一個AI模型,最後,有雲端服務來運行模型。你可以準備很高品質的資料給模型。


And so I think the last decade was maybe the decade of large scale supervised learning. What we found starting about 10, 15 years ago, was if you were to train a small AI model, so train a small neural network or small deep learning algorithm, basically a small AI model,  maybe not on a very powerful computer, then as you fed it more data, its performance would  get better for a little bit, but then it would flatten out, it would plateau and it would stop being able to use the data to get better and better.


But if you were to train a very large AI model, lots of compute on maybe powerful GPUs, then  as we scaled up the amount of data we gave the machine learning model, its performance  would kind of keep on getting better and better. So this is why when I started and led the Google Brain team, the primary mission that I directed the team to solve at the time was let’s just build really, really large neural  networks that we then fed a lot of data to, and that recipe fortunately worked. And I think the idea of driving large compute and large scale data, that recipes really helped us, driven a lot of AI progress over the last decade. 

但如果你要訓練一個非常大的AI模型,已經使用大量的計算能力,或許是強大的GPU,當我們增加資料量的時候,表現將會持續不斷地提升。這就是為什麼當我開始並領導Google Brain團隊時,主要的任務就是這樣。團隊當時只是建立非常非常大的神經網絡,將大量的數據餵給它,幸運的是,這個方法奏效了。我認為更大規模的計算、更大規模的資料,這個辦法很有用,在過去10年中推動許多AI的進步。

開發者發現「規模定律」(scaling laws),當模型規模達到一個程度,只要提升算力與訓練資料量,模型就能可預測地提升表現。OpenAI主管來台時也有提到此事:AI論壇神秘台灣人Mark Chen,父親曾是光電業老董,他如何獲矽谷青睞?

<So if that was the last decade of AI, I think this decade is turning out to be also doing everything we had in supervised learning, but adding to it the exciting two of generative AI. So many of you, maybe all of you, were played with chatGPT and bot and so on,  but just given a piece of text, which you call a prompt, like I love eating, if you run this multiple times, maybe you get bagels, cream cheese, or my mother’s meatloaf, or all to friends, and the AI system can generate output like that.



Given the amounts of buzz and excitement about generative AI, I thought I’d take just half a  slide to say a little bit about how this works.  So it turns out that generative AI, at least this type of text generation, the core of it is using supervised learning that inputs output mappings to repeatedly predict the next word. And so if your system reads on the internet a sentence like, my favorite food is a bagel  with cream cheese and lox, then this is translated into a few data points where if it sees my favorite food is a, in this case, try to guess that the right next word was bagel, or my favorite food is a bagel, try to guess next word is with,  and similarly, if it sees that, in this case, the right guess for the next word would have been cream.  So by taking text that you find on the internet or other sources, and by using this input output, supervised learning to try to repeatedly predict the next word, if you train a very large AI system on hundreds of billions of words, or in the case of the largest model is now more than a trillion words, then you get a large language model like ChatGPT. 


And, you know, there are additional other important technical details. I talked about predicting the next word. Technically, these systems predict the next sub word, a part of  word called a token. And then there are other techniques like RLHF for further tuning the AI output to be more helpful, honest, and harmless. But at the heart of it is this using supervised learning to repeatedly predict the next word that that’s really what’s enabling the exciting,  really fantastic progress on large language models. So, while many people have seen large language models as a fantastic consumer tool, you can go to a website, like ChatGPT’s website or BARD or other large language models and use it as a  fantastic tool. There’s one other trend I think is still underappreciated, which is the power of large language models, not just as a consumer tool, but as a developer tool. 

還有其他重要的技術細節。我談到了預測下一個單詞。從技術上講,這些系統預測下一個「子詞」(subword),也就是被稱為符號、詞彙的一部分。還有其他技術,如RLHF,用於進一步調整AI輸出,使其更有幫助、更誠實、更無害。但其核心是使用監督式學習,學習反覆預測下一個單詞,這真的是推動大型語言模型取得令人興奮、真正驚人進步的關鍵。許多人將大型語言模型視為一個極好的消費者工具,你可以使用ChatGPT或是Google Bard,或者其他大型語言模型,但我認為還有一個被低估的趨勢,大型語言模型不只能面向消費者,也能作為開發者工具。


So, it turns out that there are applications that used to take me months to build that a lot of people can now build  much faster by using a large language model. So, specifically, the workflow for supervised learning, building the restaurant review system, say, would be that you need to get a bunch of labeled data. And maybe that takes a month to get a few thousand data points. And then have an AI team train and tune and really get optimized performance on your AI model. Maybe that’ll take three months. Then find a cloud service to run it, make sure it’s running robustly, make sure it’s recognized. Maybe that’ll take another three months. So, a pretty realistic  timeline for building a commercial-grade machine learning system is like six to 12 months. So, teams I’ve led will often took, you know, roughly six to 12 months to build and deploy these systems. And some of them turned out to be really valuable. 


But this is a realistic timeline for building and  deploying a commercial-grade AI system. In contrast with prompt-based AI, where you write a prompt, this is what the workflow looks like. You can specify a prompt that takes maybe minutes or hours. And then you can deploy it to the cloud. And that takes maybe hours or days. So, they’re  certain AI applications that used to take me, you know, literally six months, maybe a year to build, that many teams around the world can now build in maybe a week. And I think this is already starting, but the best is still yet to come. This is starting to open up a flood of a lot more AI  applications that can be built by a lot of people. So, I think many people still underestimate the  magnitude of the flood of custom AI applications that I think is going to come down the pipe. 



Now, I know you probably were not expecting me to write code in this presentation. But that’s what I’m going to do. 


吳恩達現場展示在Google Colab環境下寫Python,他調用API、下指令請模型幫忙辨識留言情感,輕鬆解決任務。取自吳恩達演講

So, it turns out, this is all the code I need in order to write a sentiment  classifier. So, I’m going to, you know, some of you will know Python, I guess, import some tools from OpenAI. And then I have this prompt that says, classify the text below, delimited by three dashes, as having either a positive or negative sentiment. I don’t know. I had a fantastic time at Stanford GSB. I learned a lot and also made great new friends. All right. So, that’s my prompt. And now I’m just going to run it. And I’ve never run it before. So, I really hope,  thank goodness, I got the right answer. And this is literally all the code it takes to build a sentiment classifier. 



And so, today, you know, developers around the world can take literally maybe like 10 minutes to build a system like this. And that’s a very exciting development. So, one of the things I’ve been working on was trying to teach, you know, online classes about how to use prompting, not just as a consumer tool,  but as a developer tool. So, to start off the technology landscape, let me now share my thoughts on what are some of the AI opportunities I see. This shows what I think is the value of different AI technologies today. And I’ll talk about three years from now. But the vast majority  of financial value from AI today is, I think, supervised learning, where for a single company like Google can be worth more than 100 billion US dollars a year. And also, there are millions of developers building supervised learning applications. So, it’s already massively  valuable and also with tremendous momentum behind it, just because of the sheer efforts in, you know, finding applications and building applications. 


And in generative AI is the really exciting new entrant, which is much smaller right now. And then there are the other tools I’m including for completeness. We can, you know, the size of these circles represent the value today. This is what I think I might grow to in three years. So, supervised learning already really massive, may double, say, in the next three years from truly massive to even more massive.  And generative AI, which is much smaller today, I think will much more than double in the next three years because of the number of amounts of developer interest, the amount of venture capital investments, the number of large corporates exploring applications. And I also just want to  point out, three years is a very short time horizon. If it continues to compound at anything near this rate, then in six years, you know, it’ll be even vastly larger. But this light shaded region in green or orange, that light shaded region is where the opportunities for either new startups  or for large companies, incumbents to create and to enjoy value capture.




But one thing I hope you take away from this slide is that all of these technologies are general purpose technologies. So, in the case of supervised learning, a lot of the work that had to be done over the last decade, but is continuing for the next decade, is to identify and to execute on the concrete use cases. And that process is also kicking off for generative AI. So, for this part of the presentation, I hope you take away from it that general purpose technologies are useful for many different  tasks. A lot of value remains to be created using supervised learning. And even though we’re nowhere near finishing figuring out the exciting use cases of supervised learning, we have this other, you know, new technology with generative AI, which further expands the set of things we can now do using AI.


But one caveat, which is that there will be short term fads along the way. So, I don’t know if some of you might remember the app called Lenza. This is the app that would let you upload pictures of yourself and they’ll render a cool picture of you as an astronaut or  a scientist or something. And it was a good idea and people liked it. And it’s roughly just took off like crazy like that through last December. And then it did that. And that’s because Lenza was, it was a good idea. People liked it. But it was a relatively thin software layer on top of someone  else’s really powerful APIs. And so even though it was a it was a useful product, it was in a defensible business. 


And when I think about, you know, apps like Lenza, I’m reminded of when Steve Jobs gave us the iPhone. Shortly after, someone wrote an app that I paid $199 for to do this to turn on the LED to turn the phone into a flashlight. And that was also a good idea to write an app to turn on the LED light. But it also wasn’t a defensible long term, it also  didn’t create very long term value because it was a easy replicated and underpriced and then eventually incorporated into iOS. But with the rise of iOS with the rise of iPhone, someone also figured out how to build things like Uber and Airbnb and Tinder, the very long term, very  defensible businesses that created, you know, sustaining value. And I think with the rise of generative AI or the rise of new AI tools, I think what really what excites me is the opportunity to create those really deep, really hard applications that hopefully can create very  long term value. So the first trend I want to share is AI as a general purpose technology and a lot of work that lies ahead of us is to find the very diverse use cases and to build them. 


There’s a second trend I want to share with you, which relates to why AI isn’t more widely adopted  yet. It feels like a bunch of us have been talking about AI for like 15 years or something. But if you look at where the value of AI is today, a lot of it is still very concentrated in consumer software internet, right? Once you go outside, you know, tech or consumer software internet, there’s some AI adoption, but a lot of use very early. So why is that? 



It turns out if you were to take all current and potential AI projects and sort them in decreasing order of value, then to the left of this curve, the head of this curve are the multi-billion dollar projects like  advertising or web search or for e-commerce, product recommendations or company like Amazon. And it turns out that about 10, 15 years ago, you know, various of my friends and I, we figured out a recipe for how to hire, say, 100 engineers to write one piece of software to serve more relevant  ads and apply that one piece of software to a billion users and generate massive financial value. So that works. But once you go outside consumer software internet, hardly anyone has 100 million or a billion users, they can write and apply one piece of software to.  So once you go to other industries, as we go from the head of this curve on the left, over to the long tail, these are some of the projects I see and I’m excited about.



I was working with a pizza maker that was taking pictures of the pizza they were making  because they needed to do things like make sure that the cheese is spread evenly. So this is about a $5 million project. But that recipe of hiring 100 engineers or dozens of engineers to work on a $5 million project, that doesn’t make sense. Or another example, working with an agriculture company that with them, we figured out that if we use cameras to find out how tall is the wheat, and wheat is often bent over because of wind or rain or something, and we can chop off the wheat at the right height, then that results in more food for  the farmer to sell and is also better for the environment. But this is another, you know, $5 million project that that old recipe of hiring a large group of highly skilled engineers to work on this one project, that doesn’t make sense. And similarly, materials grading, cloth grading, sheet metal grading, many projects like this.



So whereas to the left, in the head of this curve, there’s a small number of let’s say, multi-billion dollar projects, and we know how to execute those, you know, delivering value. In other industries, I’m seeing a very long tail of tens of thousands of let’s call them $5 million projects that until now have been very difficult to execute on because of the high cost of customization. The trend that I think is exciting is that the AI community has been building better tools that let us aggregate these use cases and make it easy for the end user to do the customization. So specifically, I’m seeing a lot of exciting low code and no code tools that enable the user to customize the AI system. 

在這個曲線的左側,有少數的、價值數十億美元的專案,我們知道如何執行、提供價值。其他產業有數以萬計的長尾效應,我們可以稱之為500萬美元的專案,由於客製化成本高昂,這些專案很難執行。然而,令人興奮的趨勢正在發生-AI社群一直在建立更好的工具,讓我們可以彙整這些使用案例,並讓終端使用者能夠輕鬆客製化。具體來說,有許多低程式碼(low code)和無程式碼(no code)工具,讓使用者能夠客製化AI系統,你不用寫程式,可以直接使用這些工具客製化AI系統。

What this means is instead of me needing to worry that much about pictures of Pizza, we have tools, we’re starting to see tools that can enable the IT departments of the Pizza making factory to train an AI system on their own pictures of Pizza to realize this $5 million worth of value. And by the way, the pictures of Pisa, you know, they don’t exist on the internet. So Google and Bing don’t have access to these pictures.  We need tools that can be used by really the Pizza factory themselves to build and deploy and maintain  their own custom AI system that works on their own pictures of Pisa. And broadly, the technology for enabling this, some of it is prompting, text prompting, visual prompting, but really large language models and similar tools like that, or a technology called data centric AI, whereby instead of asking the Pizza factory to write a lot of code, you know, which is challenging, we can ask them to provide data, which turns out to be more feasible.


And I think the second trend is important, because I think this is a key part of the recipe for taking the value of AI, which so far still feels very concentrated in the tech world and consumer software internet world, and pushing this out to, you know, all industries really to the rest of the economy, which, you know, sometimes it’s easy to forget, the rest of the economy is much bigger than the tech world. So, the two trends I shared, AI is a general purpose technology,  lots of concrete use cases to be realized, as well as local, no code, easily used tools, enabling AI to be deployed in more industries. How do we go after these opportunities?



So about five years ago, there was a puzzle I wanted to solve, which is I felt that  many valuable AI projects are now possible. I was thinking, how do we get them done? And having led AI teams in, you know, Google and Baidu in big tech companies, I had a hard time figuring out how I could operate a team in a big tech company to go after a very diverse set of opportunities and everything from maritime shipping to education to financial services, to healthcare and on and on. It’s just very diverse use cases, very diverse, go to markets and very diverse, really, you know, customer bases and applications. And I felt that the most efficient  way to do this would be if we can start a lot of different companies to pursue these very diverse opportunities. 


So that’s why I ended up starting AI Fund, which is a venture studio that builds startups to pursue a diverse set of AI opportunities. And of course, in addition to lots of  startups, incumbent companies also have a lot of opportunities to integrate AI into existing businesses. In fact, one pattern I’m seeing for incumbent businesses is distribution is often one of the cyclical advantages of incumbent companies is they play the cards right, can allow them to integrate AI into their products quite efficiently. But just to be concrete, where are the opportunities? 

所以這就是我最後創立AI Fund的原因,這是一個創業工作室,專門建立新創,以追尋多元的AI機會。當然,除了新創以外,也有許多企業有將AI整合到現有業務的機會。現有公司的週期性優勢之一在於,如果他們打好牌,可以有效將AI整合到產品中。但具體來說,機會在哪裡呢?

So I think of this as a this is what I think of as the AI stack. At the bottom level is the hardware semiconductor layer, fantastic opportunities there, but very capital intensive, very concentrated. So there’s a lot of resources, relatively few winners. So some people can and should play there. I personally don’t like to play that myself. There’s also the infrastructure layer, also fantastic opportunities, but very capital intensive, very concentrated. So I tend not to play that myself either.  And then there’s a developer tool layer. What I showed you just now was I was actually using OpenAI’s API as a developer tool. And then I think the developer tool sector is hyper competitive. Look at all the startups chasing OpenAI right now. But there will be some mega winners. And so I  sometimes play here. But primarily when I think of a meaningful technology advantage, because I think that earns you the right or earns you a better shot at being one of the mega winners. 

我用「AI堆疊」(AI stack)描述我的想法。最底層是硬體,也就是半導體層,那裡機會極佳,但資本密集度高,且高度集中。那裡資源眾多,但贏家相對較少,有些人有能力在那裡投資,也應該這樣做,但我不喜歡進行這種投資。再往上是基礎設施層,也有極好的機會,同樣資本需求極大,且高度集中,我同樣不在這層投資。接下來是開發者工具層。我剛剛展示的程式碼,就是利用OpenAI的API作為開發者工具,這層的競爭激烈,看看現在所有追趕OpenAI的新創。不過,這個層次會有一些超級贏家,所以我有時會在這裡投資。當我思考「有意義的技術優勢」時,它將會帶給你權利,或者讓你有機會成為超級贏家。


And then lastly, even though a lot of the media attention and the buzz is in the infrastructure and developer  tooling layer, it turns out that that layer can be successful only if the application layer is even more successful. And we saw this with the rise of SaaS as well. A lot of the buzz, the excitement is on the technology, the tooling layer, which is fine, nothing wrong with that. But the  only way for that to be successful is that the application layer is even more successful so that  frankly, they can generate enough revenue to pay the infrastructure and the tooling layer. 


So actually, let me mention one example. Armourai, I was actually just texting the CEO yesterday. But Armourai is a company that we built that uses AI for romantic relationship coaching, right?  And just to point out, I’m an AI guy, and I feel like I know nothing really about romance. And if you don’t believe me, you can ask my wife, she will confirm that I know nothing about romance. But we want to build this, we wanted to get together with the former CEO of Tinder, Renata  Nyborg, and with my team’s expertise in AI, and her expertise in relationships, because she ran Tinder, she knows more about relationships than anyone I know. We’re able to build something pretty unique using AI for kind of romantic relationship mentoring. And the interesting  thing about applications like these is when we look around, you know, how many teams in the world are simultaneously expert in AI and in relationships. 

讓我舉一個例子:Armourai,它是一間我們打造,專門利用AI進行戀愛關係指導的公司。我是一個AI專家,但我對浪漫一無所知,如果你不相信我,你可以問我的妻子,她會證實我的說法。我們希望能與前Tinder的首席執行官Renata Nyborg一起,結合我的團隊在AI的專業知識,以及她在關係方面的專業知識,因為她曾經管理過Tinder,她對於關係的了解比我認識的任何人都要多。我們能夠建立一些東西,獨特地使用AI進行某種浪漫關係的指導。像這樣的應用程式的有趣之處在於,當我們四處觀察,你知道,全世界有多少團隊同時精通AI和關係

And so at the application layer, I’m seeing a lot of exciting opportunities that seem to have a very large market, but where the competition set  is very light relative to the magnitude of the opportunity. It’s not that there are no competitors, but it’s just much less intense compared to the developer tool or the infrastructure layer. And so because I’ve spent a lot of time iterating on a process of building startups, what I’m going  to do is just, you know, very transparently tell you the recipe we’ve developed for building startups. And so after many years of iteration and improvement, this is how we now build startups.



My teams always had access to a lot of different ideas, you know, internally generated ideas from partners. I want to walk through this with one example of something we did, which is a company, Bearing.ai, which uses AI to make ships more fuel efficient. So this idea came to me when a few years ago, a large Japanese conglomerate called Mitsui, that is a major shareholder and sort of operates a major shipping lines, they came to me and they said, hey, Andrew, you should build a business to use AI to make ships more fuel efficient. And the specific idea was, you know, think of it as Google Maps for ships, we can suggest a ship or tell a ship how to steer so that you still get to your destination on time, but using it turns out about 10% less fuel. And so what we now do is we spend about a month validating the idea. So double check, is this idea even technically feasible, and then talk to prospective customers to make sure there’s a market need. So we spent up to about a month doing that. And if it passes this stage, then we will go and recruit a CEO to work with us on the project. 

我的團隊總是能從夥伴身上,接觸到許多不同想法,我想用過往參與的一個例子說明。有一間企業Bearing.ai ,利用AI使船隻更加節能。幾年前,大型日本企業集團三井,它們經營一條航線,他們來找我說,你應該利用AI,使船隻更加節能。具體的想法是打造專為船隻設計的Google地圖,建議一艘船如何駕駛,藉此準時抵達目的地,還能節省約10%的燃料。我們花了大約一個月驗證想法,檢查在技術上是否可行,接著與潛在客戶對話,確保市場有需求。若能夠通過這個階段,我們就會去招募CEO參與這個專案。

When I was starting out, I used to spend a long time working on the project myself before bringing on the CEO. But after iterating, we realized that bring on the leader at the very beginning to work with us, it reduces a lot of the burden of having to transfer knowledge or having a CEO come in and have them revalidate whether we discover it. So the process we’ve learned much more efficient, which is bringing the leader at the very start.  And so in the case of bearing AI, we found a fantastic CEO Dylan Kyle, who’s a repeat  entrepreneur, one successful exhibit before. And then we spent three months, six two week sprints to work with them to build a prototype as well as do deep customer validation. If it survives this stage, and we have about a two thirds 66% survival rate, we then write the first check in  which then gives the company resources to hire an executive team, you know, build the key team, get MVP working, minimum viable product working and get some real customers. 

當我剛開始的時候,我常常花很長的時間在這上面工作。在引進CEO之前,我會先規劃自己的角色。但在反覆嘗試後,我們意識到,若在一開始就讓領導者參與會更有效率,因為可以減輕轉移知識的負擔,也不用讓他重新驗證我們的想法。因此,我們找到一位出色的CEO Dylan Kyle,他是一位經驗豐富的企業家,先前曾經取得成功。我們在三個月的時間內,進行6次為期2週的密集工作,與團隊一起建立原型,並進行深度的客戶驗證,如果專案能夠存活,接著會開出第一張支票,公司就有提供資源聘請執行團隊,讓最小可行產品運作,獲得真實的客戶。我們有大約三分之二,也就是66%的存活率。

And then after that, you know, hopefully then successfully raises additional external rounds of funding,  you can keep on growing and scaling. So I’m really proud of the work that my team was able to do to support Mitsui’s idea and Dylan Kyle as CEO. And today, there are hundreds of ships on the high seas right now that are steering themselves differently because of bearing AI. And 10% fuel savings translates the rough order amount to maybe $450,000 in savings and fuel per ship per year. And of course, is also frankly, quite a bit better for the environment. And I think this startup, I think would not have existed if not for Dylan’s fantastic work. 

在那之後,則是追求額外的外部融資,藉此繼續成長和擴展。我對我的團隊能夠支持三井的想法和Dylan Kyle作為CEO的工作,感到非常驕傲。現在,bearing AI的系統讓船隻改變控制航向的方式,並節省10%的燃料,每艘船每年可以節省約45萬美元的燃料費用,這對環境來說也是好事。我認為創業公司,我認為如果沒有Dylan的出色工作,它可能就不存在了。

吳恩達與AI Fund會在數個月中迅速測試點子,以月為單位衡量成功。取自吳恩達演講

And then also, you know, bringing this idea to me. And I like this example, because there’s another one is like, you know, this is a startup idea that just to point out, I would never have come up with myself, right? Because, you know, I’ve been on a boat, but what do I know about maritime shipping? But  is the deep subject matter expertise of Mitsui that had this insight together with Dylan and my team’s expertise in AI that made this possible? And so as I operate in AI, one thing I’ve learned is my swim lane is AI. And that’s it, because I don’t have time. It’s very difficult for me to be expert in maritime shipping, and romantic relationships and healthcare and financial services and on and on and on. And so I’ve learned that if I can just hope get accurate technical validation, and then use, you know, AI resources to make sure the AI tech is built quickly and well, and I think we’ve always managed to help the companies build a strong technical team, then partnering with subject matter experts often results in exciting new opportunities. 


And I want to share with you one other weird aspect of another one of the weird lessons I’ve learned about, you know, building startups, which is, I like to engage only when there’s a concrete  idea. And this runs counter to a lot of the advice you hear from the design thinking methodology, which often says, don’t rush to solutioning, right? Explore a lot of alternatives, avoid the solution. Honestly, we tried that it was very slow. 


But what we’ve learned is that at the ideation stage, if someone comes to me and says, Hey, Andrew, you should apply AI to financial services, because I’m not a subject matter expert in financial services, is very slow for me to go and learn enough about financial services, they can figure out what to do. I mean,  eventually, you could get a good outcome. But it’s a very labor intensive, very slow,  very expensive process of me to try to learn industry after industry. In contrast, one of my partners wrote this ideas a ton of cheap, not not really seriously. But you know, let’s say a conglomerate is BuyGPT, let’s eliminate commercials by automatically buying  every product advertised in exchange for not having seen the ads is not a good idea. But it is a concrete idea. And it turns out concrete ideas can be validated or falsified efficiently.



They also give a team a clear direction to execute. And I’ve learned that in today’s world,  especially with, you know, the excitement and buzz and exposure to AI of a lot of people,  it turns out that there are a lot of subject matter experts in today’s world that have deeply thought about a problem for months, sometimes even, you know, one or two years, but they’ve not yet had a built partner. And when we get together with them, and hear and they share  the idea with us, it allows us to work with them to very quickly go into validation and building. And I find that this works because there are a lot of people that have already done the, you know, design thinking thing of exploring a lot of ideas and winning down to really good ideas. And there, I find that there’s so many good ideas sitting out there that no one is working on, that finding those good ideas that someone has already had and wants to share with us and wants to build a partner for that turns out to be a much more efficient engine. So, before I wrap up, we’ll go to the question in a second, just a few slides to talk about risk and social impact. 


So, AI is a very powerful technology. To state something you probably guessed, my teams and I, we only work on projects that move humanity forward. And, you know, we have multiple times killed projects that we assess to be financially sound based on ethical grounds. It turns out, I’ve been surprised and sometimes dismayed at the creativity of people to come up with good ideas, sorry, to come up with really bad ideas that seem profitable, but really should not be built.  We’ve killed a few projects on those grounds. And then, I think, has to acknowledge that AI today does have problems with bias, fairness, accuracy, but also, you know, the technology is improving quickly. So, I see that AI systems today are less biased than six months  ago and more fair than six months ago, which is not to dismiss the importance of these problems. They are problems and we should continue to work on them. But I’m also gratified at the number of AI teams working hard on these issues to make them much better. 



When I think of the biggest risk of AI, I think that the biggest risk, one of the biggest risks is the disruption to jobs. This is a diagram from a paper by our friends at the University of Pennsylvania and some folks at OpenAI analyzing the exposure of different jobs to AI automation. And it turns out that whereas  the previous wave of automation, mainly the most exposed jobs were often the lower wage jobs, such as when, you know, we put robots into factories, with this current wave of automation, is actually the higher wage jobs further to the right of this axis that seems to have more of  their tasks exposed to AI automation. So, even as we create tremendous value using AI, I feel like as citizens and our corporations and the governments and really our society, I feel a strong obligation to make sure that people, especially people whose livelihoods are disrupted, are still well taken care of, are still treated well. 




And then lastly, there’s also been, it feels like every time there’s a big wave of progress in AI, you know, there’s a big wave of hype about  artificial general intelligence as well. When deep learning started to work really well 10 years ago,  there was a lot of hype about AGI and now that generative AI is working really well, there’s another wave of hype about AGI. But I think that artificial intelligence, AI didn’t do anything a human can do, it’s still decades away, you know, maybe 30 to 50 years, maybe even longer, I hope we’ll see it in  our lifetimes. But I don’t think there’s any time soon. One of the challenges is that the biological path to intelligence, like humans, and the digital path to intelligence, you know, AI, they’ve taken very different paths. And the funny thing about the definition of AGI is you’re benchmarking this  very different digital path to intelligence, with really the biological path to intelligence. 


So I think, you know, large language models are smarter than any of us in certain key dimensions, but much dumber than any of us in other dimensions. And so forcing it to do everything a human can do is like  a funny comparison. But I hope we’ll get there, maybe, hopefully within our lifetimes. And then there’s also a lot of I think, overblown hype about AI creating extinction risk for humanity. Candidly, I don’t see it. I just don’t see how AI creates any meaningful extinction risk for  humanity. I think that people worry we can’t control AI, but we have lots of AI will be more powerful than any person. But with lots of experience steering very powerful entities, such as corporations or nation states that are far more powerful than any single person, and making sure they for the most part benefit humanity. 


And also technology develops gradually. The so-called hot takeoff scenario, where it’s not really working today. And then suddenly, one day overnight, it works brilliantly, and we achieve super intelligence that takes over the world.  That’s just not realistic. And I think AI technology would develop slowly, like all the  time, you know, and then it gives us plenty of time to make sure that we provide oversight and manage it to be safe. And lastly, if you look at the real extinction risk to humanity, such as fingers crossed the next pandemic, or climate change, leading to massive depopulation  of some parts of the planet, or much lower odds, but maybe someday, an asteroid doing to us what it had done to the dinosaurs. I think if you look at the actual real extinction risk to humanity, AI having more intelligence, even artificial intelligence in the world, will be a key part of the solution. So I feel like if you want humanity to survive and thrive  for the next 1000 years, rather than slowing AI down, which some people propose, I would rather, I would rather make AI go as fast as possible. 


So with that, just to summarize, this is my last slide. I think that AI, as a general purpose technology, creates a lot of new opportunities  for everyone. And a lot of the exciting and important work that lies ahead of us all is to go and build those concrete use cases. And hopefully, in the future, hopefully I have opportunities to maybe engage with more of you on those opportunities as well.  So that let me just say thank you all very much.




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